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来源:网络转载 2020-07-08 09:57
商务约请函的写法 Business requires its own sort of etiquette, not only in person but in writing as well. A business invitation differs greatly from a personal invitation. The style and tone of a business invitation is much more prof 商务约请函的写法Business requires its own sort of etiquette, not only in person but in writing as well. A business invitation differs greatly from a personal invitation. The style and tone of a business invitation is much more professional and precise 点击发音 than a common invitation. Moreover, business invitations must be direct, complete and to the point. The proper business invitation consists of a few basic and necessary elements.商务场合有它自己独特的礼节,不仅是面临面的礼节上有考究,并且也体现在书写上。一封商务约请函与自己约请函有十分大的不一样。商务约请函的书写个性和口气比一封一般的约请函要更加专业和精确。并且,商务约请函有必要开门见山、完整以及突出重点。恰当的商务约请函由一些基本的和有必要的成分构成。Instructions书写阐明How to Write a Business Invitation?怎么书写商务约请函?1.Begin typing your invitation by beginning your salutationwith a colon as business etiquette dictates, such as Dear (Name of Recipient):1、开端书写约请函,最初用尊称和一个冒号作为商务礼节的准则,例如亲爱的(收信者的姓名):2. Personalize the business invitation to each invitee. You can do this by thanking the invitee for a recent phone conversation or business consultation. Personalizing business invitations makes the invitees feel valued and sets a positive tone in advance.2、个性化给每一位约请者的商务约请信。你可以经过谢谢被约请者最近的电话谈话或许事务洽谈来这么做。自己化的商务约请能让被约请者感到被注重和提早定好活跃的语调。3. Discuss the purpose of the invitation. Describe exactly what the event will be, the nature of the event, the purpose of the event, where it will be held, on what day it wi请柬ll be held and at what time it will be held. Identify any notable people who will be in attendance and provide a phone number and directions to the location.3、评论约请的意图。精确描绘活动是什么样的,活动的实质,活动的意图,它将在哪里举行,在哪一天举行以及什么时候举行。奉告任何一些会到会的知名人士,供给电话号码和场地的方向方位。4. Request the guest to RSVP by a certain time and date. Provide a phone number or address where the invitee can confirm his attendance.4、请求客人回复一个特定的时刻和日期(RSVP=please reply,源自法语,意思是请回复)。供给联络电话号码和到会地址,保证被约请者能到会。5. End your business invitation with "Regards," or "Looking forward to your attendance," and print your name, title and department.5、在约请函的结尾写上“问候”或“期盼您的到会”,印上你的姓名、职位和部门。6. Print the business invitation on ivory vellum paper for a classy touch. Hand-sign each invitation beneath your printed name.6、用象牙白的牛皮纸打印商务约请函为的是给人漂亮的感受。在打印的姓名下面加上手写的签名。Formal invitation letter template for the event正式商务约请函模板Dear Mr./Ms. :亲爱的(姓)先生/女士:We would like to invite you to attend the located at on at***.It is our great honor to have you as our guest.We are hoping that we will get the same support from you.咱们十分想约请您参与在某天某时刻举行的某活动。咱们感到十分荣幸能约请您作为咱们的到会嘉宾,相同也对您作为咱们的(顾客/客户/协作伙伴)表示谢谢。咱们期望能一直得到您的支持!The event is prepared in the intention to show our acknowledgment to our most important.Therefore this will be an outstanding opportunity for us to show appreciation of your business, but it the sample time to strenghten our cooperation.准备活动的意图在于对重要的(顾客/客户/协作伙伴)表示谢谢。因此,这将是一次绝佳的机会让咱们对您的商业来往表示谢谢,此外,这也是加强咱们协作的好时机。Please come early so that we can find a comfortable seat for you.We would appreciate if you can attend this event as you are one of out top.请您来早一点以便于咱们为您组织坐位。如果您能作为尖端的(客户/协作伙伴)前来参与这次活动咱们将不胜感激。Please let us know if you are attending the event or not by*** .不管您***(日期)是不是前来,请奉告咱们。Hoping for your presence on that day. We look forward meeting you.期望您前来到会,期盼与您相见!Regards,问候Yours ***
