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2019邀请朋友参加生日聚会-Inviting Friends to a Birthd

来源:网络转载 2019-12-27 08:45
聘请朋友参加生日聚会 【内容提示】 假定你是李华。你有一个朋友叫汤姆,下星期五(九月五日)是他的生日,你想为他庆祝一番。所以你写了好多封请帖给其他朋友,其中有两份是 聘请朋友参加生日聚会【内容提示】假定你是李华。你有一个朋友叫汤姆,下星期五(九月五日)是他的生日,你想为他庆祝一番。所以你写了好多封请帖给其他朋友,其中有两份是写给露丝和梁燕的。请你将这一请帖写出来,并替露丝写一个接受聘请的回帖,再替梁燕写一个拒绝聘请的回帖。要害如下:①生日聚会从九点钟开端,一直到十二点;②舞会结束往后切生日蛋糕;③梁燕不能来的理由是她母亲有病。【作文演示】Inviting Friends to a Birthday PartyInvitationDear Ruth,Next Friday, September the fifth, is Tom''s birthday. I thought it would be pleasant to have some of his friends here to help him celebrate. Will you come? We''ll have dancing from nine until midnight, and then cut the birthday cake!Both Tom and I are very eager to have you here, so don''t disappoint us!Affectionately yours,Li HuaAugust 31, 1998R. S. V. PAcceptance of the InvitationDear Li Hua,Thank you for your invitation to join you at Tom''s birthday party on next Friday, September the fifth. I''m free for the party on that day, and will be glad to meet and talk with you about our friendship.I will be at your home at nine sharp, and look forward to seeing you.Cordially,RuthSept. 2Apology for being unable to accept the invitationDear Li Hua,I''m so sorry I can''t come to Tom''s birthday party. These days my mother has been falling ill, so I have 电子请柬to attend to her.Thank you for asking me, Li Hua. I certainly hate to miss any of your parties. They''re always such fun!Affectionately,Liang YanSept. 2【写法指要】当你要举办生日纪念、周末消遣性的便餐晚会时,可以通过电话或便函性请帖聘请客人。假设时间容许,最好是写信邀约。聘请信可以简略,但要真诚热心。写请帖的日期可以像写信一样写在左上角,也可像写请柬一样写在左下角。三、便条非正式外交函件统称为便条或便笺(notes)。它是用于家人、搭档、邻居、朋友之间的一种应用文。前面函件类中的“感谢信”、“祝贺信’等有时也可称为便笺。我们往往因有一些简略或急迫的作业需要暂时奉告别人,而由于某种原因无法与对方直接联络,这时便条便是交流的东西。总的来说,便条可分为两种:请假条(note asking for leave)和留言条(message note left)。便条实际上是一种简洁函件,谈的都是当天或三两天内的事。但它“麻雀虽小,五脏俱全”,包括除信内地址以外的各项内容,即日期、称谓、正文、结束客套语、签名等。时间常常不写年月,只写日期或上下午,或几点钟。便条通常是暂时告诉、问询事宜,往往是托人转交或在某一场合的直接留言,不需要邮寄,所以不必信封。写便条时要立求开宗明义、片言只语把意思表达理解,句式简略、用词随意,靠近白话。例如:Nov. 5, 1999Dear Mr. Li,Because of an attack of the flu, I''ll not be able to attend today''s classes, for which I provide a medical certificate.Your kind permission will be greatly appreciated.Your student,Wang Ming该便条的汉语写法是:亲爱的李老师:我因患流感,今天不能到校上课。现交上医师证实。如蒙准假,我将不胜感激。你的学生王明1999年11月5日
