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May 2, 2012 ( 时间写在右上角) Dear Lucy, Next Monday is my 20th birthday. Imagine, ther

来源:网络转载 2019-08-23 08:17
May 2, 2012 ( 时间写在右上角) Dear Lucy, Next Monday is my 20th birthday. Imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! No wonder I feel old! My parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. The first person they wi May 2, 2012( 时间写在右上角)Dear Lucy,Next Monday is my 20th birthday. Imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! No wonder I feel old!My parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. The first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal.结婚请柬 Indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you. 请柬We'll be expecting you any time after six. See you then. Yours,XXX ( 落款写在右下角,标点是逗号)DearLinLi,I'mgoingtoholdabirthdaypartynextSaturdayinmyhouseandI'llinvitesomeclassmatesandfriendstojoin.It'llstartat7:30p.m..IliveatNO.70inNanjingRoad.YoucantakeaNo.1orNo.34busandgetoffinRenminRoadStop.Myhouseisoppositetothebus-stop.It'seasytofindbecausemyhouseisredwithitswhitedoor. 请柬YoursincerelyLiHua更多喜帖吧内容推荐:生日英文请柬范文
陈慧珊:42岁生日买价值30元的冰鲜鸡在家庆祝 2012年5月30日,是陈慧珊的42岁生日,破产的老公钟家鸿亲身前往街市买了一只价值30元的冰鲜鸡庆祝。先后阅历两段婚姻的陈慧珊,自06年 陈慧珊:42岁生日买价值30元的冰鲜鸡在家庆祝2012年5月30日,是陈慧珊的42岁生日,破产的老公钟家电子请柬鸿亲身前往街市买了一只价值30元的冰鲜鸡庆祝。先后阅历两段婚姻的陈慧珊,自06年与经纪人钟家鸿(Mike)结婚后,在人前人后都十分恩爱。2007年,她诞下女儿Mira,一家三口过得适当美好,而她为了照料老公与爱女,近年已削减幕前表演。早前,自身是市场推广老板的钟家鸿,因公司营运出现问题及遇上胶葛,入禀高院自行请求破产,本年3月正式收效。肩负着家庭重担的她从始至终对老公不离不弃,甘苦与共,一贯节省的她42岁生日,也挑选在家里就餐庆祝。
